
Zilliqa: A Revolutionary Blockchain Platform

Zilliqa is a revolutionary blockchain platform that brings the idea of sharding to the world of distributed ledger technology. It was developed with the aim of solving the scalability issues of existing blockchains, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, by creating a high-throughput platform for applications that require high transaction speeds.

Sharding: The Key to Scalability

Sharding is a process of breaking down a large database into smaller parts, or shards. Each shard is then managed by a separate node or group of nodes, allowing for parallel transaction processing. This type of processing is more efficient than the traditional linear structure, and it allows for improved scalability. Zilliqa utilizes sharding to allow for increased throughput and faster transaction speeds.

Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are self-executing contracts that are written in code and stored on the blockchain. They are designed to automatically execute when certain conditions are met. This allows for more efficient and secure transactions, as the contract itself is immutable and cannot be changed. Zilliqa provides support for smart contracts, allowing developers to build applications that require secure transactions and trustless environments.

Proof-of-Work Consensus

Zilliqa utilizes a modified version of the proof-of-work consensus algorithm, which is an important part of blockchain security. It requires nodes to compete for the right to add a new block to the chain, and the node that succeeds is rewarded with a cryptocurrency reward. This process ensures that the chain is secure and immutable.


Zilliqa is a revolutionary blockchain platform that combines sharding and smart contracts to create a high-throughput platform for applications that require high transaction speeds. It utilizes a modified version of the proof-of-work consensus algorithm to ensure the security of the chain. With these features, Zilliqa is an attractive option for developers who are looking to build applications on a reliable and secure blockchain platform.


  1. 10

    I can't stop! Points

  2. 5

    Keeps Coming Back Scores

  3. 0

    The First Message