
Dai: The Decentralized Stablecoin

Cryptocurrencies are often volatile, and have suffered from wild price fluctuations that make them impractical for many use cases. To address these issues, developers have created a new type of cryptocurrency called a “stablecoin”. Stablecoins are designed to maintain a stable value, usually by being pegged to a fiat currency like the US dollar. One of the most popular stablecoins is Dai, an Ethereum-based token that is backed by a decentralized network of collateralized debt positions (CDPs).

What is Dai?

Dai is an Ethereum-based stablecoin that is designed to maintain a soft peg to the US dollar. It is an asset-backed token, meaning it is backed by real-world assets such as fiat currencies, commodities, or other cryptocurrencies. Dai is maintained by a decentralized network of MakerDAO CDPs, which are smart contracts that are used to lock up collateral and generate Dai. The MakerDAO platform is designed to ensure that the value of Dai remains relatively stable over time, by allowing users to open and close CDPs as needed.

How Does Dai Work?

To generate Dai, users must first open a MakerDAO CDP and lock up collateral in the form of ether (ETH). The amount of Dai generated is determined by the amount of ETH locked up, with each ETH worth a certain amount of Dai. Once the CDP is open, users can use the Dai they have generated to purchase goods and services. When they are ready to close the CDP, they must pay back the amount of Dai they borrowed, plus an interest fee.

The MakerDAO platform is designed to ensure that the value of Dai remains relatively stable over time. This is done by allowing users to open and close CDPs as needed, and by setting a “stability fee” that is used to incentivize users to close CDPs when the value of Dai drops below the target peg.

Benefits of Dai

The primary benefit of Dai is its ability to maintain a stable value. This makes it ideal for use cases such as payments, where the user needs to know that the value of the currency will not fluctuate significantly. Additionally, Dai is backed by real-world assets, making it more secure than many other cryptocurrencies. Finally, Dai is built on the Ethereum network, meaning it is compatible with other Ethereum-based dapps and protocols.


Dai is a decentralized stablecoin that is designed to maintain a soft peg to the US dollar. It is backed by a network of MakerDAO CDPs, which are used to lock up collateral and generate Dai. The MakerDAO platform is designed to ensure that the value of Dai remains relatively stable over time. The primary benefit of Dai is its ability to maintain a stable value, making it ideal for use cases such as payments.