How old is Medabots?
Medarot (メダロット Medarotto), known as Medabots in the West, is the first anime in the Medarot franchise, produced by Bee Train Production and originally aired on TV Tokyo in July 2, 1999. The anime tells the adventures of Ikki Tenryou and Metabee as they foil the schemes of the RoboRobo Gang.Sep 19, 2024
Medarot (メダロット Medarotto), known as Medabots in the West, is the first anime in the Medarot franchise, produced by Bee Train Production and originally aired on TV Tokyo in July 2, 1999. The anime tells the adventures of Ikki Tenryou and Metabee as they foil the schemes of the RoboRobo Gang.Sep 19, 2024